Amy - Artist

In komida's first post I wrote:
"Whereas we did not always understand how much our taste buds could guide our lifestyles, we have become aggressive eaters who proactively expand and refine our experience. This is a medium where we can contribute to each other's goals, and together we can progress towards living beautifully."
What I did not appreciate was that it is not the food that guides us, but the people we share our lives with. This past Sunday Amy created an event that did not give people the choice as to whether they would or could live beautifully. She brought an idea into art, and shared it with us. It was not until I was intoxicated with her performance that I realized that it had nothing to do with the table cloths, the fancy clothes, the wine, the startling succession of divine dishes, but instead everything to do with her, with my friends who had come to share this celebration of my birth, and me. Thank you Amy for clarifying the power of people, and the beauty that we can create when we commune.