Microplane Graters

Some of you can relate to being the owner of useless kitchen gadgets. The kind that sit in dark cabinet corners collecting dust feeling 90% guilty and 10% resigned to contributing to the US economy. Let's see, I got a food dehydrator after a month of raw food obsession. That's never been used. A Dial-A-Knife circa 1960's from a flea market - powder blue dial with bubble font. I'm afraid to stick my good knife in it...that's never been plugged in. A stunning $500 Limited Edition chrome 12-cup Cuisinart (courtesy of psycho-boss who made up for abusive office behavior) used once in two years. Taking apart the various pieces to wash it takes too much time. The one kitchen gadget that I love, possessing the right design and utility is the microplaner. It's affordable (less than $20), easily washable, and incredibly useful. It makes that rectangular grater look pathetic: does grate well or washed well while giving you knuckle cuts. Check it out: http://www.microplane.com