One of our favorite Manhattan Restaurants closes

Sergio and I had one of the best meals in NYC last year when we stumbled upon a party for his friend, Maurti (sp?). We had just finished snacking at two places yet we ate like we never did at Petrosino's on the Lower East Side. The menu has mostly Northern Italian food done in a room with simple white decor. Now WTF does the ubiquitious Italian-modern decor thing have going on here? Simple - abundance of plenty with class. The piles of prosciutto didn't seem obnoxious but layer in ripples on the small tasting dishes. Then came out the sauteed broccoli rabe, spaghetti with meatballs...closing round of five desserts. I can't recall all the details but Serg and I still salivate and laugh about that meal. No one else at the table was particularly hungry but we had doubles of everything. It was a sad day for both of us to hear this February that Petrosino's would be no more.